Smarter Debt Management

Loan Packaging and Portfolio Automation, Powered by AI

We work with what you're used to

The commercial real estate market is fast paced, but antiquated

Today's manual processes create inefficiencies, costing investors and their lending partners time and money. We bring transparency to the financing process and monitor your loan portfolio, so you don’t have to.

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Replacing work, not people.

Address the new challenges facing your team and maintain the competitive edge your business needs by digitizing your finances.

Let's Talk

Safety & Security

Store your data in our secure portal. No more sending documents through unsecure email channels.

Debt Management

Toggle rates, play with metrics, and modify terms to see how each new deal affects your portfolio, payment schedules, and position within the market.

Reporting & Notifications

Unify your data silos to reveal rich information about your portfolio so you can engage on the right projects and unlock new streams of revenue.

We work with what you're used to

Stop losing deals due to workflow bottlenecks.

Our intuitive, AI-based debt packaging co-pilot allows investors to create properties, initiate loan requests, and collaborate with trusted lending partners through a secure portal - cutting the typical processing time from weeks to minutes.


Dedicated to making your job easier.

The financial landscape is evolving, and to keep up, it’s important that the commercial real estate industry adapts to support a fast-paced environment. Unfortunately, the industry is still burdened by inefficient workflows and manual processes, especially when it comes to debt sourcing and management. The current broker system is outdated, and we're going to change that. Our mission is to save investors and their financing partners time and money by offering state of the art technology to reduce friction during the financing process, so you can focus on moving deals forward.

That’s why we created Nector – to give investors like you a leg-up.

Our mission is simple — give you the tools to access capital markets in-house. That means less spreadsheets, and more transparency.

Our digital platform aims to solve the two problems most investors share:

1. Compress the financing process from weeks - to minutes.
2. Centralize your debt portfolio into an intuitive analytics platform.

Nector gives you the power to source capital, and on your own terms. We look forward to working with you!

- The Nector Team


How do I give access to my advisors or employees?

It’s your dashboard - so you decide who has access. You can add users such as analysts, brokers, and advisors on the dashboard with specialized permission settings enabling full autonomy over your portfolio.

How hard is the onboarding process?

Onboarding is easy! We can help every step of the way. We work with our clients to ensure a smooth transition - from document upload to virtual training - Nector is designed to create efficiencies, not the other way around.

How do you secure my financial documents?

Nector utilizes a three key encryption method that saves your documents in the cloud. We monitor our site 24/7 to keep our site safe and secure.

I use Excel to monitor my finances, why do I need Nector?

Nector has created a system that allows you to upload and automate your Excel spreadsheets. Allow Nector to track investment data for you, so you can focus on growing your portfolio.

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